Science management

In my current position, I support the direction of the university by undertaking the following:

Past experience

Scientific coordination of the NCCR "Affective sciences"

Proposals for improvement of the NCCR structure and the management of incentive budgets
Animation and coordination of the internal communication within the NCCR
Writing of the Brain and Behaviour Laboratory's bylaws
Negotiation of a scientific collaboration with external partners
Preselection of speculative applications for research positions
Support in grant writing
Participation in the management team and Steering Borad meetings

Education and Training officer of the NCCR "Affective sciences"

Responsibility for the Doctoral School and Post-doctoral Program
Redefinition of the Education and Training portfolio
Design and organization of the first International Summer School in Affective Sciences.
Organization of monthly seminars and thematic workshops
Design of "professional skills" seminars

Communication officer of the NCCR "Affective sciences"

Analysis of the NCCR's communication tools and communication strategy design
Participation to the preparation of the SNF's umbrella campaign on NCCRs
Co-organization of the inauguration of the Brain and Behaviour Laboratory
Writing and page setting of the NCCR newsletter
Contacts with journalists and the UNIGE press service
Collaboration in outreach events (brain awareness week, UNIGE 450th birthday, exhibitions)
Preparation of slides presenting the NCCR to Geneva Grand Council deputies